Saturday, May 9, 2020

Trips as an achievement

Լուսանկարները՝ Եվա Բերբերյանի 

Հայերեն թարգմանությունը:

The world must be discovered. Life is short, but when you start enjoying every minute and travelling around the world, you realize how happy you are to be in this world and feel everything. I think you face the most difficult trials during your travels and you also have a lot of achievements. can be short or long enough for you to fully discover your new friends, road, a way to begin to understand how different people can be, a way to show you every detail of life. You learn to հelp and respect, communicate, make friends, these are the smallest things that travel gives us. You begin to get to know your country and involuntarily fall in love with every village and building, memorize the forests and fields, and feel the peace of mind in the mountains.We enjoy the roads, return home and trying to tell with words about the waterfalls and about amazing nature that we have seen with own eyes.

I try to participate in every trip which is organized by our school, cause I feel that I always get a lot of motivation and energy from new discoveries and get inspired by new acquaintances. Travel forever, no matter how old you are or where you are, the only important thing is "with whom"... <3

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  Վայրը՝ Մայր դպրոցի փոքր դահլիճ, օրը՝ ապրիլի 28, ժամը 13։00 Իմ անհատական ֆոտոցուցահանդեսը Ղեկավար՝ Անի Սարգսյան «Ցտեսություն-ցնծություն» նա...