Translate this article into Armenian.
Challenges SB, P. 15MODULE 2 -Talent
p. 15, ex.3, 4,
Challenges wB, p.10 ex.1-5,
1-Have you ever owned a dog?
No, we have never had a pet.
2-Why is the dog barking now?
Because he is thinking there is someone at the door.
4-What animals do when they are in danger?
They warn on other animals.
5-WHy are you learning sign language now?
Because I have fallen in love with a girl who can't hear.
p.11, ex. 1-3
Dear students read the short story The Gift of the Magi and publish your opinion about the story on your blog.
Challenges WB, P.8, EX 1-3
Translate this part into Armenian.

And, after boasting this way of my tolerance, I come to the admission that it has a limit. Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes but after a certain point
I don’t care what it’s founded on. When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever; I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart. Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my reaction—Gatsby who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him,
some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away.
Ինձ չի հետաքրքրում, թե ինչի վրա է դա հիմնված: Երբ անցած աշնանը ես հետ եկա արևելքից, ես զգացի, որ ուզում եմ աշխարհը լինի համազգեստի մեջ և մի տեսակ բարոյական ուշադրության ներքո:
This responsiveness
had nothing to do with that flabby impressionability which is dignified under the name of the ‘creative temperament’— it was an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness
such as I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find again. No—Gatsby turned out all right at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what
foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and shortwinded elations of men.
Challenges SB, P. 13, ex. 5,6.
4-save, spend
Challenges SB 3, p. 11 ex. 7,8,9.
I'd like to go snowboarding
I'd like to visit the UK
I'd like to meet Kirtsen Dunst
I like to speak English
I like to play guitar.
Challenges WB , p. 7 ex. 5-7
2-hand in
3--meet up with
4-keep in touch with
5-give away
6-get down to
1-I have not seen my best friend since last month
2-I have lived in my house for 2 years
3-I have had this English book for a year
4-I have not received a text message since Monday
5-I have not bought a book for a long time
6-I have known my best friend since 2013
Translate these passages into Armenian
Every time you’re online, you are bombarded by pictures, articles, links and videos trying to tell their story. Unfortunately, not all of these stories are true. Sometimes they want you to click on another story or advertisement at their own site, other times they want to upset people for political reasons. These days it’s so easy to share information. These stories circulate quickly, and the result is … fake news.
Ամեն անգամ երբ դուք օնլայն եք, դուք ռմբակոծվում եք նկարներով, լինկերով, հոդվածներով և վիդիոներով որտեղ փորձում են պատմել իրենց պատմությունները: Ցավոք, այդ պատմություններից ոչ բոլորն են ճիշտ: Հաճախ նրանք ուզում են, որ դուք իրենց կայքում սեղմեք մեկ այլ պատմության կամ գովազդի վրա, մի ուրիշ անգամ նրանք ուզում են վշտացնել մարդկանց քաղաքական թեմաների պատճառով: Այդ օրերին շատ հեշտ է ինֆորմացիա տարածելը: Այս պատմությունները տարածվում են շատ արագ և արդյունքը կեղծ լուրերն են:
There is a range of fake news: from crazy stories which people easily recognise to more subtle types of misinformation. Experts in media studies and online psychology have been examining the fake news phenomenon. Read these tips, and don’t get fooled!
Կեղծ լուրերի մի շարք կա՝ խելահեղ պատմություններից՝ որոնք մարդիկ ընդունում են ավելի հեշտությամբ, մինչև ապատեղեկատվության ավելի նուրբ տեսակներ: Մեդիան ուսումնասիրողների և առցանց հոգեբանության մասնագետները ուսումնասիրում են կեղծ լուրերի ֆենոմենը: Կարդացեք այս խորհուրդները և մի խաբվեք:
1. Check the source
Look at the website where the story comes from. Does it look real? Is the text well written? Are there a variety of other stories or is it just one story? Fake news websites often use addresses that sound like real newspapers, but don’t have many real stories about other topics. If you aren’t sure, click on the ‘About’ page and look for a clear description of the organisation.
Նայեք այն կայքը, որտեղից ծագում է պատմությունը: Արդյո՞ք իրական է թվում: Տեքստը լա՞վ է գրված: Կա՞ն տարբեր պատմություններ, թե՞ միայն դա է: Կեղծ լուրերի կայքերը հաճախ օգտագործում են հասցեներ որոնք իրական թերթեր են թվում, բայց չունեն շատ իրական պատմություններ այլ թեմաների շուրջ: Եթե վստահ չեք, սեղմեք Մեր մասին էջի վրա և փնտրեք կազմակերպության հստակ նկարագրություն:
2. Watch out for fake photos
Many fake news stories use images that are Photoshopped or taken from an unrelated site. Sometimes, if you just look closely at an image, you can see if it has been changed. Or use a tool like Google Reverse Image search. It will show you if the same image has been used in other contexts.
Զգուշացեք կեղծ նկարներից:
Շատ կեղծ լուրեր օգտագործում են նկարներ որոնք ֆոտոշոփ արված են կամ վերցված են իրար հետ կապ չունեցող կայքերից: Երբեմն, եթե ուշադիր նայեք նկարներին կարող եք տեսնել փոխված է, թե ոչ: Կամ օգտագործեց գործիքներ ինչպես Գուգլի պատկերի որոնումն է: Դա քեզ ցույց կտա արդյո՞ք այդ նկարը օգտագործվել է ուրիշ կոնտեքստներում:
3. Check the story is in other places
Look to see if the story you are reading is on other news sites that you know and trust. If you do find it on many other sites, then it probably isn’t fake (although there are some exceptions), as many big news organisations try to check their sources before they publish a story.
Ստուգեք պատմությունը այլ տեղերում:
Նայեք արդյո՞ք այն պատմությունը, որը դուք կարդում եք, ուրիշ լրատվական կայքերում էլ կա, որոնց դուք վստահում եք: Եթե գտնեք տարբեր այլ կայքերում ուրեմն հավանաբար դա կեղծ լուր չէ, մեծ կազմակերպությունները փորձում են ստուգել իրենց աղբյուրները պատմությունը հրապարակելուց առաջ:
4. Look for other signs
There are other techniques that fake news uses. These include using ALL CAPS and lots of ads that pop up when you click on a link. Also, think about how the story makes you feel. If the news story makes you angry, it’s probably designed to make you angry.
Կան ուրիշ մեթոդներ, որոնք կեղծ լուրերը օգտագործում են: Դա ներառում է բոլոր կապերի օգտագործումը և շատ գովազդները, որոնք հայտվնում են հղման վրա սեղմելուց հետո: Նաև, մտածեք, թե պատմությունը ինչպիսի զգացողություններ է ձեզ տալիս: Եթե լուրը ձեզ բարկացնում է, հավանաբար նախատեսված է ձեզ բարկացնելու համար:
If you know these things about online news, and can apply them in your everyday life, then you have the control over what to read, what to believe and most importantly what to share. If you find a news story that you know is fake, the most important advice is: don’t share it!
Եթե գիտեք այս ամենը առցանց լուրերի մասին և կարողանում եք օգտագործել դրանք ամենօրյա կյանքում, ուրեմն ունեք վերահսկողություն, թե ինչ կարդալ, ինչին հավատալ և, որ ամենակարևորն է ինչ տարածել: Եթե գտնում եք նորություն որ գիտեք կեղծ է, ամենակարևոր խորհուրը՝ չտարածել այն:
Challenges SB 3, p. 11 ex.7.
I like watching films-general likes/dislikes
I prefer watching films to plays- general likes/dislikes
I'd like to watch a film-something you want to do now or in the future
I'r rather watch a play- something you want to do now or in the future
Challenges SB 3, p. 11 ex.3,4
6- much
Challenges WB , p. 7 ex. 3,4
2-give away
3-meet up with
4-get down to
5-get on with
6- keep in touch with
7-hand in
Challenges WB , p. 6 ex. 1,2
2-the day
2-Don't we agree on that ?
3-Don't you think so ?
4-Didn't you know?
5- Don't you like it?
Challenges WB p. 5, ex. 7,8
1. -Have you received a text message yet today?
-No. I have not
2. -Are you writing a lot of emails at the moment?
-Yes. I am
3. -Do you like communicating by phone?
-No, I don't
4. -Have you ever used sign language?
-Yes, I have
5. -How many emails do you send every week?
-5 emails
6. -How often do you use instant messaging ?
- very often
Section 2. Choose the right option
p. 39, task 1, task 2
1-a, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d, 5-d
1-d, 2-c, 3-b
Read the text and do the tasks 1,2
I have a friend who is afraid of spiders. This isn't very unusual; a lot of people are afraid of spiders. I don't really like spiders much myself. I don't mind them if I see them outside in the garden, as long as they're not too big. But if one comes in the house, especially if it's one of those really big spiders with furry legs and little red eyes, then I go 'Yeeucch' and I try to get rid of it. Usually I'll use a brush to get rid of the spider, but if I feel brave then I'll put a glass over the top of it, slide a piece of paper under the glass and then take it outside.
This is quite normal, I think. But my friend isn't afraid of spiders in any normal way. She isn't just afraid of spiders, she is totally, completely and utterly terrified of them. When my friend sees a spider, she doesn't just go 'Uurgghh!' or run away or ask someone else to get rid of the horrible creepy-crawly. No, she screams as loud as she possibly can. She screams so loud that her neighbours worry about her and think about calling the police. When she sees a spider, she shivers all over and sometimes she freezes completely – she can't move at all because she is so terrified. Sometimes she even faints.
But my friend had a surprise for me when we met for coffee last week.
'Guess what?' she asked me.
'What?' I said.
'I've got a new pet!'
'Great,' I said. 'What is it? A dog? A cat?'
'A budgie?'
'A rabbit?'
'What then?'
'I've got a pet spider.'
'I don't believe you!'
'It's true! I decided that it was time I did something about my phobia, so I went to visit a doctor, a special doctor. A psychiatrist. This psychiatrist specialises in phobias – helping people who have irrational fears to get better and live normally. He told me I suffered from "arachnophobia".'
'It's an irrational fear of spiders,' he said. 'About one in fifty people suffer from a severe form of arachnophobia. It's not very uncommon.'
'Thanks,' said my friend. 'But that doesn't help me much ...'
'There are lots of different ways we can try to cure your phobia,' said the psychiatrist. 'First, there is traditional analysis.'
'What does that mean?' asked my friend.
'This means lots of talking. We try to find out exactly why you have such a terrible fear of spiders. Perhaps it's linked to something that happened to you when you were a child.'
'Oh dear,' said my friend. 'That sounds quite worrying.'
'It can take a long time,' said the psychiatrist. 'Years, sometimes, and you can never be certain that it will be successful.'
'Are there any other methods?'
'Yes – some psychiatrists use hypnosis along with traditional analysis.'
My friend didn't like the idea of being hypnotised. 'I'm worried about what things will come out of my subconscious mind!' she said. 'Are there any other methods?'
'Well,' said the psychiatrist, 'there is what we call the "behavioural" approach.'
'What's the behavioural approach?' asked my friend.
'Well,' said the psychiatrist, 'it's like this ...'
The psychiatrist got out a small spider from his desk. It wasn't a real spider. It was made of plastic. Even though it was only a plastic spider, my friend screamed when she saw it.
'Don't worry,' said the psychiatrist. 'It's not a real spider.'
'I know,' said my friend. 'But I'm afraid of it just the same.'
'Hmm,' said the psychiatrist. 'A serious case ...' He put the plastic spider on the desk. When my friend stopped screaming, the psychiatrist told her to touch it. When she stopped screaming again – the idea of touching the plastic spider was enough to make her scream – she touched it. At first she touched it for just one second. She shivered all over, but at least she managed to touch it.
'OK,' said the psychiatrist. 'That's all for today. Thanks. You can go home now.'
'That's it?' asked my friend.
'That's all?'
'Yes, for today. This is the behavioural approach. Come back tomorrow.'
My friend went back the next day, and this time the plastic spider was already on the doctor's desk. This time she touched it and held it for five minutes. Then the doctor told her to go home and come back the next day. The next day she went back and the plastic spider was on her chair. She had to move the spider so she could sit down. The next day she held the spider in her hand while she sat in her chair. The next day, the doctor gave her the plastic spider and told her to take it home with her.
'Where do spiders appear in your house?' asked the psychiatrist.
'In the bath, usually,' said my friend.
'Put the spider in the bath,' he told her.
My friend was terrified of the spider in the bath, but she managed not to scream when she saw it there.
'It's only a plastic spider,' she told herself.
The next day the psychiatrist told her to put the spider in her living room. My friend put it on top of the television. At first she thought the spider was watching her and she felt afraid. Then she told herself that it was only a plastic spider.
The next day the psychiatrist told her to put the spider in her bed.
'No way!' she said. 'Absolutely not!'
'Why not?' asked the psychiatrist.
'It's a spider!' replied my friend.
'No, it's not,' said the psychiatrist, 'It's a plastic spider. It's not a real one.'
My friend realised that her doctor was right. She put the plastic spider in her bed and she slept there all night with it in her bed. She only felt a little bit afraid.
The next day, she went back to the psychiatrist. This time, she had a shock … a big shock. Sitting in the middle of the doctor's desk there was a spider. And this time it was a real spider.
My friend was about to scream and run away, but she didn't. She sat on the other side of the room, as far away as possible from the spider, for about five minutes, then she got up and left the room.
'See you tomorrow!' shouted the psychiatrist to her as she left.
The next day she went back, and this time the psychiatrist let the spider run around on his desk. Again, my friend stayed about five minutes, then left. The next day she stayed for ten minutes, and the day after that, fifteen. Eventually, the psychiatrist held the spider, the real spider with long furry legs and little eyes, in his hand. He asked my friend to come and touch it. At first she refused, but the doctor insisted. Eventually she touched the spider, just for a second. The next day she touched it for a few seconds, then for a few minutes, and after that she held the spider in her own hand.
Then she took the spider home and let it run around in her house. She didn't feel afraid. Well, OK, she did feel afraid, but only a tiny bit.
'So now I've got a pet spider!' she told me again.
'Well done!' I said.
'There's only one problem,' she said, and as she spoke I noticed that she was shivering all over. Then she screamed and climbed up on the chair. She was pointing to something on the floor.
'Over there!' she screamed. 'Look! It's a beetle!'
Challenges WB 3, p.4,ex. 4,5
1-d, 2-a, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c, 6-d, 7-a, 8-b
A: 2. How long have you been interested in animals?
A: 3. What are you working on at the moment?
A: 4. What do you do every day?
A: 5. Is birdsong changing nowadays?
A: 6. Why do that happen?
A: 7. How many people do you usually work with?
A: 8. Have you published an article yet?
read the text and do the tasks- task 1 and task 2
Hi Lucia
How are you? It was so nice to meet you last week in Sydney at the sales meeting. How was the rest of your trip? Did you see any kangaroos? I hope you got home to Mexico City OK.
Anyway, I have the documents about the new Berlin offices. We're going to be open in three months. I moved here from London just last week. They are very nice offices, and the location is perfect. There are lots of restaurants, cafés and banks in the area. There's also public transport; we are next to an U-Bahn (that is the name for the metro here). Maybe you can come and see them one day? I would love to show you Berlin, especially in the winter. You said you have never seen snow – you will see lots here!
Here's a photo of you and me at the restaurant in Sydney. That was a very fun night! Remember the singing Englishman? Crazy! Please send me any other photos you have of that night. Good memories.
Please give me your email address and I will send you the documents.
Bye for now
Challenges SB 3, p. 8 ex. 2.
1-b 2-a
3-d 4-c
5-f 6-e
2. es learning
3. swims, goes
4. I am not eating
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